Today we interview a very popular teacher at Sacramento Charter High School, she goes by the name of Ms. Wanket. Ms. Wanket is my honors english teacher and is one of the most respected teachers at the school.
1.where were you born? I was bon in Queens New York
2.what year were you born? I was born in 1969
3.who was your biggest influence? jesus
4.what high school did you attend? Carondelet high school
5.what college did you attend? I got my bachelors at UC santa cruz but my teaching degree at Chapman Unversity
6.what is your biggest regret in life? Not going to prom with the man who is now my husband
7.what did u dream of being as a child? A fire fighter long have you been teaching? ive been teaching for 19 years
9. Are you happy with your profession? oh yes of course
10. If you had a chance to go back and change something what would that be?
11.what made you become an english teacher? My love for reading and writing really and my dad.
12. who are your top 3 favorite writers/poets? Tony Morrison, Fransceca Lia Block, and Raymond Carter.
13. what got you so interested in writing? I was a born writer its just in my blood.
14. if you weren't an english teacher what would be your profession? i would probably be a fire fighter
15. what other thing are you interested in? Although i don't do it anymore African dancing and drumming
16. whats something a lot of people don't know about you? i like african dancing
17. what sports do you like? I only enjoy sports when i know who the people playing are.
18. whats the best part of your job? definitely the students
20. whats your most memorable moment as a teacher? when my students go to college and whenever they come back and tell me how easy college is for them.
Although this is my first interview I found it very interesting. It was nice to actually learn about my favorite teacher and I look forward to doing it again.